Attack of the Tumblrinas

I was your typical straight, white, cisgendered male, I have a penis, and I am perfectly fine with having said penis. This is a story of when I came face to face with some of the most terrifying people on the planet.
BUTT first I must tell you about the porn I fap to. I fap to porn on PornHub, RedTube, YouPorn, XNXX, and I like brunette, big tits, asian, blonde, and also- oh shit I forgot about the story! Anyways, me and a friend were on a bus to the airport to go to E3. It was a regular bus ride, and we were talking about how stupid modern feminism is, and this obese, red-mohawked, glasses wearing woman stood up and told us to "CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE YOU CIS WHITE MALE SCUM!" we were distracted, and my friend said "Heh, fuckin' bitch." She then said "STOP TRIGGERING ME I GOT PTSD FROM HARRASSMENT", but we were laughing our asses off. She then cried "RAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Once the bus was stopped and some police officers came on the bus, she told of how we were "raping" her. The policeman questioned some other people on the bus, and they said the exact same thing. "They were just havin' some gay sex with each other, yo." which was exactly what we were doing. She then got "QUINTUPLE TRIGGERED", and everyone in the bus was laughing. At that time.
Once she blogged bitched about it on tumblr, many more morbidly obese women with fucked up hair rushed onto the bus and started whinging at everyone. We were confused. Then one passenger said "Look, I have to disagree with you." when that happened, all the tumblrinas transformed from ordinary feminazis, into one super mega death satan woman. Everyone ran off the bus, with her screaming "CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE" and "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE". I'm typing this as we speak, and OH GOD SHE'S STEPPING ON THE BOMB SHEL